The CIE Experience

The CIE Experience is simply the experiences we provide as an organization to engage and develop leadership among young people. The complete experience consists of three phases:

Engagement with CIE

Experien(al Leadership Development

Life-­‐Long Connetion

A young person may choose to either go to phase one first or jump straight to phase two. The choice is theirs.

However, in order to experience phase three, one should have been through either the second phase or been a member of CIE.

With the introduc-on of CIE 2022, we asked ourselves what kind of experiences we could provide to take us closer towards achieving our mid-­‐term ambi5on. And thus began our journey of improving what we currently have and inven(ng what fits against our customer profile. This process doesn’t stop un-l we reach AIESEC 2023.

The refreshed CIE Experience aims at making CIE flexible and adaptable to trends and different market reali&es as we embark on our journey towards becoming a youth leadership movement.