Program Objectiv

Expand the interpersonal network and integrate into the elite circle

The project participants of the Siya International Project have been strictly selected, some of them come from internationally renowned universities and internationally renowned multinational companies. According to incomplete statistics, some of the students who participated in the past worked in investment banks (such as Morgan Stanley; Merrill Lynch Investment Bank), consulting companies (McKinsey, Bain Consulting, Boston Consulting), and graduate students in famous British and American schools (Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard) , Cornell, etc.).

Improve self-competitiveness

The project is guided by well-known corporate executives (senior vice presidents, directors, regional presidents, and consultants) through complete practical operation of the project, so that students can effectively master the core knowledge, core work processes, and core skills that an outstanding practitioner should possess. And personally experience the professionalism and team management ability that a professional manager should possess. During the internship process, a series of training and practical projects were specially arranged to allow students to experience the work and life of elites in the workplace after internships, improve interpersonal skills, build professional elite temperament, and win at the starting line for future ideal careers.

Expand practical skills

The courses are taught by excellent professors from internationally renowned universities and senior professionals in the industry. They not only have internationally recognized advanced degrees, but some even serve as senior consultants for famous financial institutions. Rich industry knowledge, excellent teaching experience, and extensive network of contacts are important guarantees for the effectiveness of professional training. Apply what you have learned, gain practical work experience and develop practical skills through hands-on experience and interaction with different cultural and social environments.

Enhance professional communication in the industry

Provide opportunities for exchanges with relevant institutions, so that students can understand the operation of modern financial companies from a practical level, learn relevant experience, expand interpersonal networks, and stimulate thinking with different cultures.