We are Looking For

We seek individuals who can balance competition and teamwork, focus on integrity, intellectual curiosity and leadership potential. We summarize some of the other qualities as follows:


Trust both personally and at work is at the heart of our business. So you can maintain the highest level of professional integrity and be fair when you are part of a team.

Compressive capacity:

We'll endure unkind sleep-less hours at work, pushing ourselves to the brink of exhaustion, yet we still manage to keep our heads clear for the final exhilarating sprint - the presentation. We share a determination to strive for excellence in all the work we undertake.


Our work environment is one of teamwork. We actively solicit the ideas of others; base our actions on consensus where possible; and ensure that all team members are appropriately recognized for successful task completion.


We expect team members to demonstrate their leadership qualities, to proactively think differently, to go the extra mile for clients or colleagues, and to take the long view when possible.

Our entire interview process is aimed at finding candidates who can balance competition and teamwork, focus on integrity, intellectual curiosity and leadership potential. In order to meet such requirements, you need to have a strong sense of purpose and fighting spirit, and bring it into your daily work.