Membership Development

The membership of CIE manages and runs the organization on a local, national and global level. They are placed within key parts of the organization's business model to ensure the smooth functioning of CIE. 。

The membership is divided into :

Team Leaders:

Anyone taking a leadership posion within the organizaon (local, na)onal and global level) with a minimum of there members in the


Team Members:

Anyone fulfilling a job description within a team in the organizaon (local, national and global level)

What is the Team Leader experience?

A Team Leader experience is an opportunity for a young person to develop CIE’s leadership qualities through leading and guiding others in their work and experience at a local, national, regional or global level.

How does CIE provide a Team Leader experience?

We provide prac,cal learning and development to a young person through the experience of managing a team and delivering the minimums for a team experience. Team Leaders contribute to the development of others while ensuring CIE’s performance and the delivery of its experiences.

What can a young person gain through a Team Member Experience?

A young person gains:

• The opportunity to go through CIE’s Leadership Development Model and develop qualities of Self Awareness, Solution orientation, Empowering Others and World Citizenship Empowering Others and World Citizenship

• A practical team leader or execu've leadership body experience

• Personal and professional development

• Practical hard and so- skills development

• Activities which develop an entrepreneurial and responsible attitude towards being a better leader

Team Leader can have different types of team-­‐based leadership experiences such as leading a team or acting as a part of the executive leadership body of an entity.